First Impressions Writing Contest

  • 9 Jun 2024
  • 15 Aug 2024
  • 86


Registration is closed

The first 200 words of an article/book etc. can either entice  readers to turn the page or make them toss the work aside.

To encourage our aspiring writers, the South-East Chapter of Connecticut Authors & Publishers Association is holding a First Impressions Writing Contest.

Five judges are charged with the prime consideration of  choosing the entry that makes them want to turn the page.  Grammar, spelling, sentence structure, word choice, clarity, etc. will be considered.


➔No poetry, children's books, interviews, or news articles will be accepted.

➔Open to all writers NOT traditionally  published  or self-published in any format. CAPA membership not required. One entry per person.

➔Entry fee: Members-$5.00 Non-members-$10.00

➔Entry fee including a critique: Members-$20.00  Non-members-$25.00

➔Deadline is August 15th. The first 100 entries received will be accepted. All entries MUST be in .pdf or .docx format. Email entries to

Entries will be considered accepted upon receipt of payment. Pay and register  a  

Alternatively, after you register, you may mail a check to: 

Connecticut Authors and Publishers Association, Inc.

P. O. Box 715

Avon, CT 06001–0715

➔Each of the five judges (all multiple published writers) will read 20 entries and choose  three finalists.  Then all five judges will read the finalists of all judges. 

➔The winner will be chosen from the 15 finalists.

First, second and third place Winners will be announced Oct. 20th meeting of SE CAPA at Filomena’s Restaurant in Waterford and will be treated to a delicious meal of their choice. 

First place winner will receive a prize (TBA)  Winning entry will also be published in CAPA’s newsletter, The Authority.

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